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Date Passage Title Preacher
11/15/2009 Psalm 45:1-9; 1 Samuel 8:1-9 The Kingdom of God in the Story of Scripture Josh Hahne
11/22/2009 1 Samuel 10-15 The Rise and Fall of King Saul Josh Hahne
11/29/2009 1 Samuel 16 This is He Josh Hahne
12/6/2009 1 Samuel 17:1-50 David & Goliath Josh Hahne
12/13/2009 1 Samuel 17:41-58 The Severed Head Josh Hahne
12/20/2009 1 Samuel 18-31 (esp. 18:1-16) The Clash of Two Kings: David & Saul Josh Hahne
1/3/2010 Psalm 52 David’s Confidence in God’s Judgment Josh Hahne
1/17/2010 1 Samuel 22:1-5; Psalm 57 David’s Flight from Saul Josh Hahne
1/24/2010 1 Samuel 25 O, Abigail Josh Hahne
1/31/2010 2 Samuel 1-5 David Established as King Josh Hahne
2/7/2010 2 Samuel 6:1-15 David & the Ark of the Covenant Josh Hahne
2/14/2010 2 Samuel 7 The Davidic Covenant Josh Hahne
2/21/2010 2 Samuel 9 Remembering the Covenant Paul Mourreale
2/28/2010 2 Samuel 10 The Conquering King Paul Mourreale
3/7/2010 2 Samuel 11 David’s Disgrace Josh Hahne
3/14/2010 2 Samuel 12; Psalm 51 David’s Repentance Josh Hahne
3/21/2010 2 Samuel 13-21 David’s Chastisement Josh Hahne
3/28/2010 2 Samuel 24 David & the Census Josh Hahne
4/4/2010 Psalm 16; Acts 2:24-32, & Acts 13:35-39 David & the Resurrection of Jesus Josh Hahne
4/11/2010 2 Samuel 23:1-7 David’s Legacy Josh Hahne


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